Meridiam accredited by Green Climate Fund as new partner to support climate-related projects

- First French asset manager accredited among a select group of 134 entities
- Total pledges of over 13 billion USD to tackle climate change
During its 39th Board meeting in Republic of Korea on 17 July, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) accredited Meridiam as its new partner. This prestigious accreditation is a testimony of our commitment to sustainability and our capability to meet the highest standards in climate finance. First French asset manager to receive such accreditation, it places us among a select group of 134 international organizations.
With GCF potential funding, we intend to channel new substantial financial resources into our initiatives and expand our portfolio of climate-related projects. Alongside GCF, we aim to further invest in low-emission and climate-resilient project in developing countries and especially in Africa in the field of renewable energy, climate resilience initiatives in vulnerable communities, and sustainable land use and agriculture practices.
GCF is the world’s largest climate fund dedicated to helping developing countries take climate action. Established within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and known as the arm wing of Paris agreement, its objective is to support developing countries towards a low-carbon transition and adapting to the consequences of climate change, in particular for the most vulnerable countries. As of December 2023, the GCF had a portfolio of 13.5 billion USD (51.9 billion USD including co-financing) of over 230 transformative climate projects in more than 120 countries.
Over the next four-year programming cycle (2024-2027), total pledges stand at over 13 billion USD from 31 countries with further contributions expected, to tackle the impacts of climate change and protect the most vulnerable communities.