Inauguration of the D4 motorway, Czech Republic
Meridiam and its partner VINCI inaugurated today the new D4 motorway between Skalka – Háje and between Mirotice – Krašo ice in Czech Republic. The project, co-owned and co-developed by Meridiam and VINCI Highways, is the first motorway set up through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) awarded in the country.
Under a 28-year concession scheme, the project consists of designing, financing, building, operating and maintaining a new 32km motorway between Háje and Mirotice as well as the operation and maintenance of 4 existing sections between Skalka – Háje and between Mirotice – Krašo ice, with a total length of 15km.
The new motorway provides an improved road connection between rural South Bohemia and Prague, consequently fostering economic and social development, and will also contribute to improving traffic conditions on the country’s major commercial routes, particularly towards neighboring Germany and Austria.
Meridiam consistently strives to develop and implement infrastructures that positively influence society and support the ecological transition. The D4 motorway project benefited from the cooperation with local authorities and communities. Their support was key in overcoming challenges and ensuring that the motorway ultimately meets the needs of the local community. The project helped boosting the economy and created local jobs**.
In alignment with Meridiam’s mission and vision, which are based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the D4 motorway project has strong environmental commitments. The project included the recycling and reuse of 1.9 million m3 of excavated materials, and almost 100% of the asphalt milled on D4 was recycled.
All the soil that was removed from the future route of the motorway was used to cover the embankments, while the topsoil was given to the farmers. Aggregates were used to build the base layers of the motorway, mainly from local sources, thereby reducing emissions from long-distance traffic in particular. Other sustainable initiatives are also underway. One example is the sowing of special seed mixtures along the motorway, creating so-called wild meadows instead of the traditional monoculture grass. Environmental aspects are also making their way into technology, which includes, for example, the use of photovoltaic panels in the operations centre.
In terms of preserving the biodiversity, the project includes a “zero pesticide commitment”, the set-up of wild meadows along the highway and supports the low-carbon mobility with the installation of EV charging stations at the service areas. Also, new storm water retention ponds and wildlife crossings have been built*.
During the construction phase, the concessionaire “Via Salis” focused on creating a good reference in PPP in the country, especially highlighting the professional management of quality, the environmental and Health & Safety matters and on proper communication with the stakeholders. The company is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certified.
Via Salis team launched in the beginning of 2022 the Sustainable Highway Initiative to implement into the design features which are enhancing the long-term sustainability of the Project (PV panels, more erosion control of slopes, extra EV charging facilities, etc…).
The Project Company is certified ISO 14001.
*some sources from Fadi Selwan’s speech at the inauguration