Our impact
R1 Highway, Slovakia
The R1 Project consists of the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of three main sections of the 2×2 lane R1 motorway between Nitra and Tekovske Nemce, as well as the Banska Bystrica Northern Bypass, covering a total length of 51.6-km.
The R1 Project was developed to improve an important transport corridor for western Slovakia, to improve the road’s safety (number of fatalities is down by more than 90% since opening) and to aid economic development in the region.
Other key objectives of the Project were to minimise the environmental impact of the infrastructure and to promote employment and better quality of life for local communities, by improving connectivity with a modern highway.
In Operation
ESG/SDG Key Facts
The Project Company is focused on equality, education, carbon reduction and energy savings.
Foundation Via Pribina was founded in July 2012 and is providing financial support (c. €200k/year) to civic associations and non-profit organisations implementing health, social, sport, education and volunteering projects throughout Slovakia. In 2022, 19 projects out of 190 submitted have been selected for a total amount of €186k including a minifarm for education, care for the elderly, a furniture bank, an organic orchard, inclusive transport education, help and care for people in need.
Photo credit @PhotoMartini