Our impact

A5 Ostregion Motorway, Austria (Vienna Ring Road)


The A5 Ostregion motorway Project consists of the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of four sections of a new motorway, totaling 51.5-km in length, to the northeast of Vienna. This asset improves connectivity between Austria and the Czech Republic and relieves local towns from traffic congestion, noise and pollution.
At closing, shareholders in the Project Company were Alpine Mayreder, Hochtief and Egis. Meridiam provided 50% of the mezzanine facility together with RREEF.
In 2013, Meridiam acquired 45% of the Project Company.
In 2018, Meridiam opportunistically acquired the shares and mezzanine rights held by RREEF and became the sole shareholder of the Project Company.


In Operation


ESG/SDG Key Facts

The Project Company is continuing its biodiversity action programme by creating dry and semi-arid meadows, fallow and succession areas, wildflower meadows, recreation of natural habitats with stone & rock formations, old tree chunks, windbreak hedges combined with additional voluntary tree planting. In these new biodiversity projects, the Project Company implemented grassing of part of the asset by sheep in 2022. In 2023, the ESG team added 2 donkeys, to diversify and to provide for a more even pasturing.

The Project Company has a dedicated ESG specialist that is responsible for developing and implementing identified ESG initiatives.

SDG 5 (Gender Equality)

The share of women in the company is 44% and 33% of management positions are filled by women.

SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean energy)

The Project Company continues to increase its share of renewable energy through both the purchase of renewable electricity energy, and through the expansion of its own electricity production (3,900 m2 of solar panels have
been installed). In 2023, 77% of the energy consumed was from renewable energy sources. LED conversion has started at the motorway maintenance centre, at some operating sites and in the tunnels. The replacement of full tunnel lighting will be completed in Q4 2024 and will save app. 850,000kWh per annum.

SDG 15 (Life on Land)

To date 16 ha of land has been allocated to wildlife meadows, supporting bees, bumblebees, butterflies, and other species with plans to increase this coverage in the coming years. An additional 30 ha of land has been identified to be converted into flower meadows.


Improves connectivity

Between Austria and the Czech Republic

Relieve local towns from traffic

congestion, noise and air pollution

Highest possible rate

on safety and procedures from European program
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